Treating Your Heartburn

Treating Your Heartburn

If you dread eating spicy foods because you get heartburn, you are not alone. The good news is, your GI doctor can help. Dr. Parviz Gholami at Calabasas Advanced Gastroenterology in Calabasas, CA, offers a wide range of gastrointestinal services, including treatment of heartburn.

What You Need To Know About Heartburn

Heartburn doesn’t have anything to do with your heart, but it has everything to do with your gastrointestinal system. Heartburn is a condition known as acid reflux, and it’s caused by incomplete closure of the sphincter muscle separating your stomach from your esophagus. A normal sphincter muscle blocks stomach acid from coming back up into your throat–your esophagus. When you have acid reflux, the sphincter muscle doesn’t work properly and stomach acid flows upward, causing symptoms like these:

  • Frequent sore, scratchy throat
  • Chronic burning sensation in your throat and chest
  • Chronic sensitivity in your teeth and gums

The first step in managing acid reflux is to make a few changes to your diet and lifestyle, including:

  • Taking over-the-counter antacids
  • Avoiding lying flat after eating
  • Avoiding eating spicy, acidic foods
  • Eating small meals instead of large amounts of food
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

You should also seek out the expertise of your gastroenterologist because untreated acid reflux can get worse. It can transform into a chronic condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. GERD signs and symptoms are more pronounced, and can include:

  • Severe sore throats
  • Frequent wheezing or dry coughing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chest or abdominal pain
  • Severe dental sensitivity
  • Increased tooth decay

Our gastroenterologist may recommend an endoscopy, which is a diagnostic procedure used to examine your esophagus and upper digestive system. Your doctor can check for esophageal damage due to GERD. In addition, your gastroenterologist may recommend:

  • Prescription-strength medications to control the production of stomach acid
  • Dietary changes and meal planning

Want To Know More?

To find out more about the signs, symptoms, and treatment of heartburn, call Dr. Parviz Gholami at Calabasas Advanced Gastroenterology in Calabasas, CA. You can reach him in the office by calling (818) 696-8840, so call today.

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